Free, dynamic cloud-based software for digital displays
Say hello to ScreenHub, a hardware-agnostic content management web application that manages content for outdoor and indoor screens of any size or aspect ratio.
No hidden fees
Screenhub is free and gives you full control of your sign
Our CMS allows you to control any digital display at no cost and comes with lifetime training and support. Elegantly simple and intuitive, this robust LED message board software can run networks from one to 1,000+ screens.
Easy to Use
Easily move elements around the screen – enlarge, shrink, rotate, and animate content – play around with all the possibilities.
Access from anywhere
Access and monitor your screens no matter where they are and no matter where you are – at any time.
For businesses big and small
Control and manage one to thousands of digital displays from any web-enabled Mac, PC, or tablet.
Easy as one-two-three
How does ScreenHub work?
Install and configure software
So easy you can set it up yourself or our support team is always available if you want a helping hand.
Create and design content
Straight forward and intuitive interface allows you to create appealing content in just minutes.
Set up schedules and playlists
The dependable playback system plays 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Track your display health
Hardware monitoring
- Know if your display lost power or internet connection at any point throughout the day
- Automatically detect electrical, temperature, or panel outage issues with your display
- Auto-map, cut/restore power, and reboot your display all with a click of a button
Monetize your screens
- Transform your screens into valuable advertising platforms
- Create ad slides to run on their own or alongside your own slides
- Instantly generate extra income for your business or organization
ScreenHub works with all your software and tools
Hardware agnostic
Compatible with all synchronous systems (such as Linsn LED, NovaStar, and DBStar) that run Windows or Linux.
Favorite tools
Use all your favorite image-editing software. Accepts many file extensions including JPG, PNG, MP4, and more.
Allows ScreenHub to continually improve and add new features with updates pushed through the cloud.
Cloud storage
Create future content, design reusable templates, and save playlists for as long as you want – they will never get lost.
Simple and free
Included features
- 5GB storage
- 100MB Max Upload
- Streaming Video
- Social Media Intergration
- Content Library
- Advanced Weather
- Email/Chat Support
- Campaign Scheduling
- Financial Content
- Slide Editor
- Hardware Monitoring
- RSS Feed